
Relationship Birth Chart Readings

Relationship Birth Chart Reading


A partner birth chart reading includes a full reading about yourself and an insight into your partner whilst focusing on such things listed below that can help you can better understand and communicate with your partner.

  • Where the strengths and challenges lie in your relationship
  • What makes you great together?
  • What obstacles might you face?
  • What are the love languages that really speak to you?

For both you and your partner please add your time, date and place of birth in the fields below.

You will then receive a detailed document outlining your birth chart.

Please allow 5-10 business days for your video.


More Info

Understanding my partner’s birth chart has been an absolute blessing for me, I understand the things that make him who he is and how he processes his emotions and quite frankly it’s saved my relationship NUMEROUS times. I also love the fact I can pinpoint what he loves about me and how I can make him feel loved.

Astrology is so much more than just your sun sign (how many times have you seen a post about, let’s say, a Capricorn and thought “I don’t really relate to that?!”) because you are so much more than just that! When you were born the planets and stars aligned to give you an individual, almost a fingerprint, of who YOU are as a person. Your Birth Chart can reveal how you see yourself (and when you FEEL your most authentic self), how the world sees you, how you react when you’re in a heightened emotional state, how you process your emotions, how you communicate and think, how you love, what you’re attracted to, your upbringing and how you are at home and work.

Birth Charts will also reveal your blessings and strengths and what your challenges will be. If you’re looking for a deeper understanding of who you are as a person, how your parents influenced your life and even the energy you give off in the world THIS IS FOR YOU. I spent my 20’s questioning WHY AM I LIKE THIS?! And almost resenting parts of myself I wished were different. When I discovered my chart I realised why I react the way I do and all the different parts of me.