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So, if you didn’t know – I’m Coco!

& This is my story

Soul Gains by Coco

My late 20’s taught me how imperative it is to really know yourself, when you know yourself, you accept yourself. Confidence and self-love are imperative to living a happy, fulfilling life and maintaining healthy relationships with those around you.

I used to lash out, hold poor boundaries and seek love outside myself. I never understood why I would self-sabotage relationships, runaway when things got too hard and never really felt like I fit in. When I found my birth chart, I felt like my world suddenly fell into place. I understood myself and everyone around me. I was no longer hurt or resentful of the things people had done to me because I understood who they were and what they themselves were dealing with.

I started doing tarot cards after I saw a psychic who told me I was very gifted. I began pulling for myself and was always amazed at what the cards were showing me. Even though I resisted some readings at the time, I smile now thinking of the path it was trying to push me down.

My fitness journey started as an overweight teenager, I was ridiculed by a lot of people and started cardio to try and lose weight. I started my journey to become a police officer which threw me deep into the world of being a TOTAL CARDIO BUNNY. Granted, I was skinny, but I was also weak and really didn’t like my shape. It all came to a head when I was assaulted during a brawl whilst working as a cop. I knew I had to become stronger. I started weight training and loved what it did for my body.

I have done EVERY program available, dieted, grown and continue on my fitness journey. I have observed things in the fitness industry I don’t believe in and things I have loved. I have overcome emotional eating and learnt techniques for a sustainable and healthy relationship with food and the gym. I will always approach fitness as a way to love your body, not because you hate it. Fitness journeys have lots of ups and down and whether you are a brand newbie, have lost your way or want to be the best version of your already fabulous self; we have a place for you!

Goals Icon

My goal with soul gains is to build a community of people who are strong from the inside out, happy and at peace with all aspects of their mind, body and soul.

From these life experiences came Soul Gains

Goals & Values

I am very passionate about people being the best version of themselves. I don’t necessarily believe in changing who you are to become your best self, I believe in finding all of the pieces that make you who you are (the ingredients to the cake of you) and loving every part. It’s not about changing anything about you, it’s about observing the parts that you don’t necessarily love about yourself and understanding why they are there. Even the not so favourable parts of yourself make you amazing.

My services include my 30-day mindfulness book which will help you uncover your values, what makes you happy and implement daily habits to come home to yourself, birth chart readings, tarot and spirit animal readings and exercise-based e-books.

Female body outline

Let’s work together to find yourself