
Birth Chart Readings

Birth Chart Reading


Hello my sweet angel, if you are looking for a deep dive into who you are when you’re feeling your best, your worst, alone and with people- this is for you. For years I was told “you’re too emotional”, “you’re too logical”, “you’re too loud/ proud/ dramatic”- the list goes on… But then I found my birth chart and I realised, there’s a reason for all of these contradicting and wonderful sides of me. If you want an insight to who you are, how people see you and what kind of partner you should go for THIS IS FOR YOU.

Please add your time of birth, date of birth and place of birth below. I will email you with a time for your zoom consultation.

Please allow 5-10 business days for written readings. 

You can opt to have the zoom consultation with me or pay an additional fee and receive a written reading. I highly recommend the zoom as it’s a more interactive experience and includes a transit reading (what’s currently going on and what’s coming up this year) as well as a tarot session at the end.

More Info

Astrology is so much more than just your sun sign (how many times have you seen a post about, let’s say, a Capricorn and thought “I don’t really relate to that?!”) because you are so much more than just that! When you were born the planets and stars aligned to give you an individual, almost a fingerprint, of who YOU are as a person. Your Birth Chart can reveal how you see yourself (and when you FEEL your most authentic self), how the world sees you, how you react when you’re in a heightened emotional state, how you process your emotions, how you communicate and think, how you love, what you’re attracted to, your upbringing and how you are at home and work.

Birth Charts will also reveal your blessings and strengths and what your challenges will be. If you’re looking for a deeper understanding of who you are as a person, how your parents influenced your life and even the energy you give off in the world THIS IS FOR YOU. I spent my 20’s questioning WHY AM I LIKE THIS?! And almost resenting parts of myself I wished were different. When I discovered my chart I realised why I react the way I do and all the different parts of me.

I will also indicate times and areas throughout the next year which you will prosper and struggle.

Please feel free to leave a note in the comment section if you would like me to focus on a specific area.