
Family Pack- 3 people


Family Birth Chart reading for 3 people.

Want to know the similarities astrologically between you and your child? Do you want to know how to best respond to your child’s emotions? How are two children who are born in the same house, raised by the same parents so different? I remember the first time I did my own families chart and saw the interwoven themes that bound us together; it helped me understand which parts of their chart impacted my life and made me who I am today. Your child’s birth chart will give you an insight on areas where they will flourish and where they may have resounding lessons in life. Although a birth chart is as unique as our fingerprint, I can’t help but smile when I see time and time again a father’s rising sign in a child’s fourth house or a mother’s midheaven as a child’s moon. This offers a chance for you to see not only inside yourself and what traits you bestow on your child but gives you a great insight into the adult your child will become. You have an option to give the birth information for three people. You can provide your own, your child’s and the other parent of the child or two children and your own.